The realistic way to lose weight for anyone is to burn more calories than you take in on a daily basis – and to that you either exercise or and eat less.
Most people opt for the ‘eat less’ version. But as anyone who has ever tried to lose weight (me, included) knows, ”eating less” isn’t always easy – sometimes it’s down right impossible.
Luckily for you, I am going to share some simple to follow tips and tricks to ‘eat’ less calories while you enjoy your food, and to teach you mind to stop once you’re satisfied – and not continue to stuff yourself.

1. Take it out of the package

When you’ve got a hankering for potato chips or another snack, don’t just mindlessly eat from the bag or box.
Instead, portion out a single serving into a small bowl.
This way, you know exactly how much you’re eating and aren’t left mindlessly munching until the bag is empty.

2. Put your fork down between bites

During any busy day, it can be easy to see mealtime as just another to-do – that you have to quickly get it over with.
But rushing through meals can make you eat too much since it takes your brain awhile to register that your stomach is getting full.
Put down your fork between bites to take your time and really taste your food. Pay attention to what your body is telling you.
Stopping when you’re satisfied, not full, will make you feel better in the long run. Use this guide to gauge your hunger and fullness levels.

3. Eat Before You Party

If you’re going out to a party or restaurant where you’ll most likely eat more than you want, have a small snack before you leave the house.
This way, you won’t be ravenous when you’re faced with a menu or buffet full of scrumptious treats and will be able to make more rational decisions.

4. Break down your meals

It has been suggested that eating five or six mini meals could help reduce blood sugar swings and curb out-of-control hunger.
Some people prefer this method, while others like to stick with three square meals a day.
Try experimenting to see what works for you!

5. Start your meals with a broth based soup

When you’re out to dinner, start with a broth-based soup. Broth soups are lower in calories than creamy options and will take the edge off your hunger before your meal arrives.

6. Don’t get distracted, focus on eating

One recent study found that spending more time in front of the television leads to a higher consumption of unhealthy snacks and drinks.
Be sure to skip the Law and Order reruns while you’re eating, and don’t forget about other distractions like your smartphone or computer – put them all away.

7. Drink more water

I can’t emphasize this point enough – it’s common to confuse thirst with hunger, so make sure you stay hydrated during the day.
If you think you may not be truly hungry, drink a glass of water first and wait a few minutes. Often, the water will hit the spot if you’re only thirsty, but hunger will intensify the longer you wait.
Either way, studies have shown that drinking water before you eat a meal may also help you eat less overall.

8. Listen to your body

It can be easy to set your eating schedule by the clock, but this sometimes means that you’re eating a meal when you’re not actually hungry.
This tactic only further confuses our bodies and inhibits us from noticing and responding to true feelings of hunger and fullness.
Instead, make a concerted effort to listen to what your body is telling you when mealtime rolls around.
You may find that you’re not even hungry and are just eating out of habit! Once you do start feeling those tummy twinges, get your chow on.

9. It’s ok to have leftovers

Sometimes a meal is so delicious that you have a hard time calling it quits – even when you’re stuffed. Remind yourself that what you don’t eat now will be available for leftovers later.

10. Throw out the junk

If you keep a food in sight, especially a tempting one, you’re more likely to eat it. So don’t keep sweet treats or trigger foods in plain sight.
Hide that candy jar on your desk, and place treats or snack foods on the highest shelf out of sight in your pantry.
If you’re like me with little self control, just toss them all out – they’re going to go past their expiration date anyway!

11. Eat at home

When you eat on the run or in your car, you’re more likely to grab convenience foods, which are loaded with high calories and salt. If at all possible, try to eat at home.
A recent nutrition study suggests that people eat healthier meals in the comfort of their own homes.
Stock your kitchen with healthy items you can grab in a hurry so that you don’t have to take desperate measures away from home.

12. Choose from the kid’s menu

If you do have to hit up fast-food to cope with your craving for a burger or fries, choose the regular hamburger or even the junior or kids sizes.
You’ll satisfy your craving without indulging in a caloric disaster.

13. Use Smaller Plates

Dinner plates have expanded in diameter over the years – really – to match our ever expanding waistlines.
Filling a larger plate can cause you to scoop up (and eat) larger portions. Downsize your dinner plate to trick your eye and brain into eating less.

14. Have a conversation during dinner

The next time you sit down to a meal with family or friends, slow down your eating and really contribute to the conversation at the table rather than letting it become secondary to your meal.
This will give your brain time to register that you’re getting full and you will naturally consume less food, all while getting in some quality face time with the ones you care about.

15. Share your meals

Split your entree with a dinner partner when dining out. The portions are usually large in most cases and you get to save money.

16. Wait a few minutes before going for seconds

When you have finished eating, but still feeling hungry for more, wait. Give yourself five minutes to let your fullness level register with your brain.
If you’re still hungry when the time’s up, go back for a modest portion.

17. Say no to alcohol

When you’re out with friends, it can be easy to sip on alcohol, lose your inhibitions and start throwing your healthy eating habits out the window–not to mention that alcohol calories add no nutritional value to your diet.
So drink in moderation and alternate each drink with water, or skip the alcohol altogether and remain strong in your healthy eating convictions.

18. Say no to soda

Yes, let’s get rid of this habit too, even if they’re diet or ‘zero’ calories.
Many studies show that drinking diet soda can still put you at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes, while triggering your appetite and sugar cravings.
If you get thirsty, water is always the best choice!

One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

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