When we think about how to lose weight, ideas of deprivation, boredom, sacrifice and even misery usually come to mind.
But they don’t have to. Weight loss CAN be fun and enjoyable—if you have the right attitude and set out on your journey with the right tools—and rules—for long-term success.
Research shows that what we tell ourselves is a predictor of results. A positive mindset greatly increases one’s chances of success, and when we make the journey towards any goal enjoyable, we achieve it with greater speed and stick with it for the long haul.
So throw out the “dieting” rules that make you feel deprived and bored. To start, follow these rules of weight loss that not only work—but actually make the process more fun! You may even lose 30 pounds in the next 26 days as I did.
And whatever you do, focus on enjoying the journey, not just reaching your destination.

1. Eat more often

Out-of-control hunger is a common predictor of overeating—and giving up on any diet. When you go too long without food, your blood sugar drops, your mood and focus plummet, and you often grab the easiest thing you can, which usually isn’t healthy.
Instead of skipping meals and starving yourself, don’t go more than three to four hours without eating. This will keep your hunger monster at bay and keep you happy and satisfied on your program.

2. Treat yourself

When you decide that a particular food (or even an entire food group), is off-limits for your diet, research shows that we focus on that one food even more than if we simply allowed ourselves permission to eat it from time to time.
Since willpower is in such short supply in humans, there’s a really good chance that anyone would cave in eventually—and likely go overboard.
So give yourself permission—and make a plan—to make room in your diet for your favorite treats.

3. Stop searching for the “best” workout

What’s the ideal workout for weight loss? The workout you’ll actually do—not the one that worked for your friend, or that you heard burned the most calories.
Research shows that if you can match the exercise plan to your preference and personality, you’ll be more consistent.
If you pick what works for others or what you perceive is best despite not enjoying it, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
When you find something that is fun, who cares how many calories it burns. In the end you’ll burn the most calories when you stop making excuses to avoid a workout and actually want to do an activity!

4. Enjoy your meals

When you eat or drink anything, do so slowly, mindfully and without distraction. By doing so, you’ll increase your enjoyment and slow down your eating which will allow you the time to notice when you’ve had enough.
And if it’s a treat you’re having, you’ll feel so much more satisfied even if eating less because you’ll have relished every bite, guilt-free.

5. Get more sleep

If you’ve ever stayed awake burning the midnight oil, here’s your excuse to shut off the lights.
Getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night is essential for weight loss. Individuals who are sleep-deprived have higher levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and lower levels of the fullness hormone leptin, which causes them to eat more calories.

6. Always start your day with breakfast

Think you’ll be saving calories by skipping your morning meal? Think again. After an all-night fast, the best way to jump-start your metabolism is to eat within the first hour of waking.
Studies have shown that individuals who skip breakfast tend to over-consume at lunchtime or later in the day, offsetting all the calories they saved by skipping breakfast.
Even if it’s something small, try a quick and healthy morning meal to help set you up for success later in the day.

7. Eat your carbs

Lately, carbs have gotten a bad rap. But not all carbs are created equal. We’d all be better off skimping on the sweets, processed foods and refined flours that make up so many snack foods.
Leave those on the grocery shelf! But there’s no reason to give up all carbs, especially the whole sources you’ll get in healthful fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, whole grains are dairy products.

8. Go out to eat

One of the first things people are told when losing weight is to cook more at home and stop eating out. This is good advice in general. But you don’t have to give up on a fast takeout meal or your favorite restaurant in order to slim down.
These days restaurants are creating healthier, lighter fare than ever before, and sharing those nutrition facts on menu boards and their websites.
There are loads of ways to enjoy eating out without blowing your diet. Many menus offer lighter options, and good chefs are more than willing to accommodate special requests.
Because restaurant portions do tend to be larger than normal, bring a friend. Split an entree to save calories and money. Or, order an appetizer as your main course.

9. Indulge in gourmet delights

If you eat foods you don’t enjoy, you’ll feel dissatisfied and find yourself searching for more food, even if you aren’t hungry.
While budgetary constraints are real and you shouldn’t spend above your means, you might find that occasionally splurging on high-quality foods (even if the portions are smaller) can really make your food fun and enjoyable.
Seek pleasure from your foods as much as your budget allows.

10. Keep your workouts short

If time or boredom are a problem and you find yourself skipping exercise because you just don’t have an hour to spare, no worries!
Short bouts, as little as 10 minutes at a time, done several times over the course of the day, have similar calorie-burning and health benefits as long, sustained sessions.

11. Hang with your friends

Having support and camaraderie is a huge help while working on healthy lifestyle changes. Make weight loss a team effort by asking friends with similar goals to work out with you.
Rather than go out for meals, cook healthy potluck dinners together. Join a bowling league. Participate in weight-loss forums to swap healthy recipes, share success stories and disappointments, and have friends to whom you are accountable and who are also there to cheer you on.

12. Eat a Handful of Nuts Every Day

In one study conducted by the University of Alberta, people who ate roughly a handful of almonds each day lost significantly more abdominal fat over the course of six weeks compared to those who followed a nut-less diet with the same number of calories.
While this study looked at almond intake, other tree nuts like walnuts and pistachios have also been linked to improved health and weights, thanks to their healthy fat and protein content. So, go nuts today!

13. One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

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