Helping women live a healthy life through health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss tips.

Every girlfriend that I have gets pressed for time every now and then (some more than others), and all too often when something’s got to give, it’s the gym. Let’s face it, you don’t want to skip work or a hot date, so, unfortunately, the gym’d the first thing on the hit list.
So. what should you do? The quick and the real solution – the below 20-minute workout you can do at home. No commute to the health club, no traffic, no packing the gym bag. The workout below focuses on the legs, chest and abs. It requires no equipment and, if done with purpose, is intense enough to give you a great pump. Give it a try next time you’re trapped at home or at the hotel and have the training itch.

How this workout works

  • Perform the following exercises as a circuit, doing one set of each with minimal rest between exercises.
  • If you’re unable to reach the prescribed number of reps in a given set, rest-pause until you reach the rep count. Rest-pause is where, when reaching failure during a given set, you rest anywhere from 10-30 seconds and continue repping out.
  • After each circuit, rest 2 minutes. Repeat the circuit 3-4 times, or however many times you can in 20 minutes.

1. Mountain Climber

  • Assume a push-up position with your arms straight and your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles. Without changing the posture of your lower back (it should be arched), raise your right knee toward your chest.
  • Pause, return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg. That’s one rep. Alternate until you’ve completed all your reps.
  • Complete 30 reps.

2. Sumo Squat

  • Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart. Give yourself a few feet and stand wide.
    Angle the toes out and away from the center of your body.
  • Bend the knees and the hips to lower into your squat, squeezing your glutes at the bottom of the move.
  • Be mindful to keep your back neutral and long, drawing the tailbone straight down to the floor each time. Avoid allowing your knees to go out beyond your toes or allowing your upper torso to lean forward.
  • Once lowered, press up to standing, driving up through your heels.
  • For a tougher workout, hold a dumbbell or kettlebell with 2 hands while extending your arms long, letting it hang down the center of your body.
  • Perform 15 reps.

3. Up and Down Plank

  • Come into a plank position with your legs straight and forearms resting on your mat. Your feet should be hip-width distance apart. Draw your navel toward your spine to engage your core and to avoid straining your lower back.
  • Keeping your torso parallel to the floor, plant your right palm on the mat as you raise your body, so your right arm is straight.
  • Repeat with left arm, so you’re now in a straight-arm plank.
  • Now, move your right forearm back onto the mat and then the left, lowering yourself back down into elbow-plank position. Try to avoid swaying the torso from side to side.
  • Repeat for a total of 10 reps, and then reverse the direction for another 10 reps.

4. Jump Squat

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively.
  • When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control.
  • Perform 15 reps.

5. Toe Touch Crunch

  • Lie on your back and reach your arms behind you, pointing your legs toward the ceiling.
  • Swing your arms toward the ceiling; as you do, lift your head and shoulder off the ground and touch your toes, while lifting your pelvis slightly off ground so your toes move toward your fingers. If your neck tires, place one hand behind your head.
  • Perform 15 reps.

6. Reverse Plank

  • Start sat down on the floor. Hips flexed, knees and legs extended straight in front of you. Place your palms on the ground and spread your fingers to help support yourself.
  • Lean back so that your torso forms a 45-degree angle with the floor. Keep your hands behind your hips, almost in line with your shoulders.
  • Support your body weight with your hands and feet as you lift your hips. Imagine you are trying to push your body up towards the ceiling
  • Bring up your torso, legs, and thighs until you have created a straight-line plank position.
  • Squeeze your abdomen and focus on pulling it in as you push upwards.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.

One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

Helping women live a healthy life through health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss tips.

There isn’t a doubt in anyone’s mind that losing weight is hard.
Whether it’s 10 pounds or 50 pounds, getting to your deal weight comes with nothing less than your strongest determination, unwavering dedication and definitely a whole lot of helpful tips.
Here are some tricks, although unusual when you first read it that will help you along your weight loss journey!

1. Eat in front of a mirror

A study found that eating meals in front of a mirror made people more mindful of their eating habits and cut back the amount of what people ate by 1/3.
It may sound strange, but strategically placing a beautiful mirror opposite side of your seat at the table may go a long way in making you more aware of the amount that’s on your plate as well as how quickly you’re eating.

2. Light candles throughout your house

Vanilla scented candles have actually been proven to quash your sweet tooth after dinner, as the sweet smell of vanilla satisfies the craving without having to eat anything. Don’t forget to put out the candles before you head to bed.

3. Don’t dim the lights when you eat

Restaurants don’t just dim the lights to provide a romantic atmosphere.
Lower lighting means lower eating inhibitions, and restaurants count on this correlation to make you order more food and especially alcohol.
So, be mindful of this at home and turn up the lights to make better food decisions and slow your pace.

4. Sit at the end of the table

If you’re at dinner with a group of people, stay away from the middle of the table.
All of the food action happens in the middle of the table. The bread baskets, appetizers, shared desserts…they are all right there. It’s so front and center, in your face that it’s too easy for you to grab and gobble.
Take a seat at the end and you’ll be far less likely to overeat.

5. Check your medication

A study at Yale School of Medicine has found that people on antihistamines are ten pounds heavier on average than their unmedicated counterparts.
It’s because many antihistamines block the immune system’s histamines, which actually play a role in how your body breaks down fat and controls your appetite.

6. Give in to your cravings

If you have an insatiable sweet tooth, get that craving out of the way in the morning. Giving into your craving right early in the morning actually does a better job curbing them throughout the day.
But don’t take this out of context and have a chocolate covered doughnut with a hot chocolate and a snickers on the side.

7. Pack your leftovers

Before you tuck into your dinner, immediately pack up the leftovers. Eat them for lunch throughout week. A study has shown that once kitchen clean up is finished and the leftovers are accounted for, people are less likely to go back for seconds.

8. Drink warm water

Drinking a glass of warm water before a meal makes you feel fuller quicker and helps with weight loss.

9. One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

Helping women live a healthy life through health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss tips.

Belly fat can make your jeans feel extra snug, but really there’s something way worse about the stuff: When white fat expands in your abdomen nestling deep among your organs, it sets you up for some serious health trouble.
We know that this type of fat—called visceral fat—churns out stress hormones like cortisol and inflammatory substances called cytokines that affect the body’s production of insulin. The result: Besides obesity, you’re also looking at increased risks of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. No thank you. Check out these nine tips to finally rid your body of that excess stomach.

1. Don’t stop moving

There’s one thing to like about visceral fat: It yields fairly easily to aerobic exercise. Running, biking, or swimming—basically anything that gets your heart rate up—wins over resistance training when it comes to getting rid of the stuff. A recent study from the University of Alberta found that jogging the equivalent of 12 miles a week is enough to melt belly fat.

2. Eat a high protein diet

You know that protein’s essential for a slimmer you. But here’s why protein really needs to play a prime roll on your plate: Your body starts to produce more insulin as you age, since your muscle and fat cells aren’t responding to it properly. Insulin promotes fat storage—especially around your belly—and a diet high in protein may protect you against insulin resistance. In one study, obese women who followed a diet for eight weeks that was roughly 30 percent protein, 40 percent carbs, and 30 percent fat lost significantly more fat—including visceral pudge—than women who stuck to a plan that was 16 percent protein, 55 percent carbs, and 26 percent fat.

3. Eat healthy fats (aka polyunsaturated fat)

Saturated fat packs on more visceral fat than polyunsaturated ones, according to a recent Canadian study. When subjects ate 750 more calories daily for seven weeks—either in the form of palm oil (saturated) or sunflower oil (polyunsaturated)—the former gained more visceral fat while the latter gained more muscle mass and less body fat. Polyunsaturated fats can be found in nuts, seeds, and fish.

4. Get sour

Obese people who consumed a tablespoon or two of vinegar daily for eight weeks showed significant decreases in body fat—particularly visceral fat—according to a 2016 Japanese study. One theory is that the acetic acid in the vinegar produces proteins that burn up fat.

5. Get your namaste on

Postmenopausal women who tried yoga for 16 weeks reported significant reductions in visceral fat in one 2016 study. If you’re just not that into downward dog, any sort of relaxation exercise (even simple deep breathing) can help. The key is to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to belly fat.

6. Get good sleep (with a consistent bedtime)

Routinely squeaking by on five hours or less per night increases visceral fat levels, according to a 2015 University of Atlanta study. As you likely already know, eight hours is ideal.
What’s more, women who wake up and go to bed at the same time each evening have lower levels of body fat, according to a recent study by Oxford University. Chaotic sleep habits cause your internal clock to go haywire, which in turn causes your body to secrete fat-storing hormones like cortisol.

8. Drink green tea

Moderate exercisers who stocked up on the antioxidants found in green tea—called catechins—were more likely to lose abdominal fat while exercising than those who didn’t take them. One study put the daily dose at 625 mg—the equivalent of two or three eight-ounce cups of green tea.

9. One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

Helping women live a healthy life through health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss tips.

If you’re someone who’s been struggling with weight loss, we’re pretty sure none of the fad diets that you’ve tried has worked. We mean—for the long-run. We’re pretty sure once you’ve stopped the diet, all the weight came back, and sometimes with more.
The simple reason is that there is no quick fix or magic pill to losing weight. Losing weight and staying slim for good is about making a commitment to lasting lifestyle changes.
Here are 7 simple eating and 5 very doable lifestyle changes that you can slowly incorporate into your daily routine.
Start with a couple of changes. Then work your way up to all 12 whenever you’re ready.
When you become consistent with them, don’t be surprised if you are at least 10 pounds lighter after a short while. Let’s get going.

1. Load Up On Lean Protein

Protein is the muscle’s food. Consume lean protein to help the muscles repair and rebuild as a lot of wear and tear occurs when you workout. Include foods like chicken breast, mushroom, lentils, fish, beans, soy, etc. to give your muscles the required nutrition.

2. Eat More Healthy Fats

Healthy fats will not make you gain weight. In fact, healthy fats help reduce inflammation and prevent inflammation-induced weight gain. Consume almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pine nuts, avocado, fatty fish, chia seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, cheese, dark chocolate, and eggs.

3. Do Not Avoid Dietary Fiber

We often think that we should completely avoid carbs to lose weight. But, that’s not true. You need the right type of carbs. Dietary fiber is a type of carb that cannot be digested by humans but aids weight loss by keeping you full for a longer duration and preventing fat absorption. Consume broccoli, flax seeds, prune, peaches, pear, apple, lima beans, black beans, figs, berries, oats bran, barley, green peas, guava, peach, Brussels sprouts, artichokes, pomegranate, kiwi, brown rice, beetroot, quinoa, acorn squash, etc.

4. Drink More Water

Most of the times when you are thirsty but don’t drink water, you may think you are hungry and load up on calories. Moreover, not drinking enough water can prevent your cells from performing their functions, leading to slow metabolism, dehydration, constipation, and bloating. All these conditions can lead to stress and inflammation in the body. So, drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day. You can also have infused water, fresh fruit or vegetable juices or smoothies, coconut water, and buttermilk.

5. Do Not Starve Yourself

If you think you will lose weight by starving yourself, you can’t. Not eating for a prolonged period may signal the body to shift to the starvation mode, and it will stop using any calories consumed as usable energy. The extra calories will get stored as fat, leading to weight gain. So, eat every 2-4 hours to keep your metabolism active and the cells functioning properly.

6. Eat Fat Burning Superfoods

Some foods help burn the calories apart from providing the body with nutrition. Include fat burning foods to help you shed the fat, especially from your tummy area. Consume grapefruit, green tea, brown rice, quinoa, cayenne pepper, black pepper, celery, cinnamon, yogurt, low-fat milk, nuts, turmeric, dark chocolate, apple cider vinegar, spinach, cauliflower, garlic, peanut butter, etc.

7. Stay Away from Junk Food

High-carb, high-calorie, and zero nutritional value is what is known as junk food. It does nothing but harm your health and body weight. Avoid snacking on junk food, such as potato chip, fries, fried chicken, etc., and also avoid midnight snacking. Believe me, if you stop eating junk, you will end up losing a lot of weight.

8. Stop Hitting Snooze

We all do it. Keep hitting the snooze button until it’s too late even to take a shower! But, if you want to retain your amazing abs, you must drag yourself out of bed. If you wake up early or say, at least 2 hours before you head out, you can do yoga or abs workout, prepare breakfast and lunch, and not look like you just rushed to work or school without brushing your hair.

9. Reduce Stress

Stress is harmful in many ways. When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol is released, which increases glucose levels in the blood and inhibits digestive functions. This leads to fat deposition in the abdominal area and, in some cases, insulin resistance and diabetes. Yoga, meditation, cardio, weight training, playing a sport, swimming, painting, reading books, traveling, listening to music, and even applying makeup for fun can help you reduce stress.

10. Don’t Miss Breakfast

You may not agree, but if you miss breakfast, you will feel hungry all day long. You need to have a substantial breakfast to help your body function normally. Include fiber, protein, and healthy fats in your breakfast to have a complete and balanced meal before you start your day.

11. Have A Weekly Workout Plan

Working out is essential if you want to lose weight and maintain that weight loss. Work out at least 4 hours a week to keep yourself in shape. Do a mix of cardio, weights, and strength training to shed the fat and build lean muscle mass.

12. One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

Helping women live a healthy life through health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss tips.

In theory, we all that to lose weight fast, we all have to just burn more calories than we take in. But anyone who’s tried to lose weight fast knows that reality can and have always worked against us (otherwise we won’t be finding ways to lose weight fast).
In reality, life gets in the way such that we would feel too tired to work out or too busy to plan ahead for healthy meals.
But fret not, you can still lose weight fast if you want to. You just need to have the proper strategies in place to do it.
So, I’m going to share with you my 10 step plan to lose weight fast—and keeping it off for good. Try them this week and see yourself lighter by next.

1. Make a plan.

Successful long-term weight loss comes from a combination of nourishing diet and healthy exercise. Outline the specific steps you need to achieve your ideal weight. For example, one specific step might be to walk 30 minutes extra a day.

2. Visualize success.

The world’s best athletes envision themselves performing perfect techniques, a strategy that primes their body for success. Do the same by visualizing how you want to look and feel after weight loss. If it helps, post inspirational pics or phrases around the house.

3. Create a positive environment.

You probably will need to do some house cleaning to help you on your journey. Dig into the pantry to clean out calorie-filled processed snacks, and free up your fridge from whole milk dairy, processed meats, and other high-calorie food traps. 

4. Keep a journal.

Building self-awareness is a key weight loss strategy. Keep a food and exercise diary where you can track exactly what you’re doing and when.

5. Learn about proper portions.

Don’t sink your quest to be healthy with ginormous portion sizes. One of the smartest steps for getting to your ideal weight is to take a primer on portion sizes.

6. Schedule exercise.

From meetings to doctor’s appointments, you already make it a habit to schedule what’s important. Your weight and health are just as important so put exercise on your calendar—and meet that commitment to yourself. 

7. Eat mindfully.

Each time the you want to eat something, drink a glass of water. Then ask yourself if you’re still hungry. If the answer is “no,” then take the hand out of that bag of nuts and find something else do, whether it’s taking a walk or writing in a journal that you ‘escaped’ mindless eating at 2pm.

8. Get a fat buddy.

It can be tough to reach and maintain ideal weight on your own. Team up with a like-minded friend so you can provide support and encouragement to each other.

9. Commit long-term.

Maintaining ideal weight can only happen with lifestyle change. All too often, we shed pounds, do a victory dance and dive right back into bad habits. Make this time the time that sticks. Celebrate for a second and continue with the healthy journey.

10. One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

Helping women live a healthy life through health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss tips.

There could be a number of reasons why you’ve been gaining weight, plateauing on the scales or just feeling a little sluggish. But when you drill it down to the core, it’s because whatever you’re doing (or not doing) is slowing down your metabolism. Here are some ways you can right the wrong and get your metabolism humming efficiently again.

1. Eat breakfast everyday

Turns out waking up and not putting any fuel in your engine is one of the most damaging and common mistakes women with slow metabolism make. Starting the day right is key to revving up your metabolism and keeping you energized throughout the morning. A nutrient rich breakfast will also prevent you from reaching for unhealthier alternatives when your stomach starts to rumble.
Healthy breakfast options like omelettes, oats or wholemeal toast are best, but if you’re more of a grab-and-go type of gal, you can prep portable feasts like smoothies or granola bars in advance.

2. Stop dieting altogether

It’s not just cutting out breakfast that’s a problem. Your overall food intake has an impact too. Slashing your calories and yo-yo dieting can impact your metabolism, as well as your health in the long term. Weight loss and body maintenance is better addressed by introducing changes that focus on food choice as well as eating habits and behaviours.

3. Drink more water throughout the day

Drinking two litres of water a day will work wonders for your metabolism. If you struggle to consume enough, try marking times on your water bottle for a little extra encouragement and guidance. Drinking water will not only keep your metabolism on track but will help to clear your skin too.
If you’re already drinking a lot of water each day and you want to give your body that extra little boost, opt for ice cold water to increase your calorie burning power—research has found that drinking six cups of cold water a day (about 1.3 litres) can boost your resting metabolism by about 50 calories a day.

4. Cut down on the caffeinated drinks

Drinking too many caffeinated drinks can become unhealthy, especially if you’re opting for caramel lattes or other hot drinks high in sugar. The alternative? Green tea—aside from being filled with antioxidants it also contains an active ingredient, catechin, which has been found to speed up metabolism.

5. Get better sleep

Many experts believe that a lack of sleep leaves us prone to gaining weight, and whilst it’s not as simple as sleeping all day being a fast track to skipping a dress size, there does seem to be a correlation between a solid slumber and a healthy metabolism.
In fact, in a recent study, scientists showed that just one bad night can leave us craving unhealthy, fatty foods and leave our metabolism less equipped to cope with them, particularly if we’re opting for carbs, as tiredness can affect our glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.

6. Stop sitting the entire day

Office jobs don’t give you much of a choice, we know, but a study found that standing up at work could help boost your metabolic rate, meaning you can burn up to 50 calories an hour more than sitting.
You don’t even have to do it for the full eight hours. Spending the morning standing up can cut as many as 200 calories, which in turn give you some leeway to what you can eat for lunch without piling on the extra pounds.

7. Stop doing the same workout over and over again

It’s important to keep your fitness routine fresh. Whether you’re a cardio fanatic or a yoga queen, doing the same exercise week in week out means your body gets used to the activity and can result in fewer calories being burned. Give high intensity interval training or HIIT a try – it’s a great way to mix things up and get you burning calories at a rapid rate. Numerous studies have shown that HIIT is one of the most effective methods of improving fitness, building muscle and burning fat. And of course, the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate tends to be.

One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days

Helping women live a healthy life through health, fitness, nutrition and weight loss tips.

Whatever helps you stick to your a healthier and cleaner eating lifestyle is a successful strategy for losing weight fast. Below are popular weight loss tips and tricks I’ve taken from women who have successfully lost and kept off at least 30 pounds – and a couple from my own weight loss journal, which I’ve had kept during my fat years. I hope you will make good use of them.

1. Rid your house of junk

Get rid of any junk food or snacks that might be a trigger for you – make sure you clean up the entire house (and office space) and not just the kitchen. If you need to keep certain foods around for your kids or husband that are not part of your plan, use a cupboard just for them that is off-limits to you.

2. Keep a journal

No surprise here. Purchase a journal to use for your weight loss journey to keep track of ALL your nutritional intake and your workouts. Know what food works and what doesn’t early on so you don’t get stuck and feel frustrated. It can be a hassle to log everything you eat but it keeps you honest and accountable, and it really does work to make you lose weight fast.

3. Plan ahead

As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But don’t make a big deal about it, and don’t stress about it—just do it. Each evening, think ahead to the next day and plan out what you’re going to eat. You can use your journal to pencil in what you plan to eat during the next day or two. Stay calm and organized, and always make sure you have healthy food with you. Pack an insulated lunch bag every day so you’re not tempted to stray from the plan. Remember that nothing tastes as good as lean and sexy feels.

4. Cook extra protein

Any time you cook meat, poultry, fish, or other protein, make a little extra to keep on hand in your fridge to throw on a salad or just grab and go. Keep hard-cooked eggs in the fridge at all times for an easy snack. You can also keep cans of tuna and salmon at the ready as an easy source of protein.

5. Keep things interesting

Do whatever it takes to make healthy and skinny dinners interesting and exciting. Make use of the available fruit and vegetable delivery company that provides many different varieties of vegetables that can be delivered to your home once or twice a week. And mix and match your produce with all kinds of protein options so you never get bored.

6. Keep a stash of frozen seafood

Buy frozen wild-caught fish (orange roughy, cod, mahi mahi, tilapia, flounder) that can be cooked in just a few minutes for a quick meal. I’ve brushed Dijon mustard on a frozen salmon fillet, stuck it in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes, and served it with steamed veggies. Voilà—dinner is ready. And tasty too!

7. Keep all-purpose seasoning handy

Healthy eating can sometimes be bland. So, I use various all-purpose seasoning on my dinner most nights, and many times on my eggs in the morning. It’s a quick way to spice up a meal and keep my tastebuds happy. Salsa is also a figure-friendly condiment you can enjoy freely, and mustard works great as a dipping sauce for chicken or other protein.

8. Satisfy your need for a crunch

If you have the need to eat something crunchy, buy a small bag of coleslaw, rainbow slaw, or broccoli slaw and mix it with tuna, chicken, or other protein for an instantly satisfying, crunch-worthy salad. I also sprinkle ground flax seeds on the salad for a nutty taste along with a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Keeping sliced cucumber or baby carrots in your fridge provides you with another good crunchy snack option.

9. One last thing… you should try this 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that burns up to 2 pounds of belly fat per day…

“All this by a 2-minute “after-dinner ritual?” I asked. 

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how good she looked. 

She said, “It’s not so much about the “after-dinner ritual”, but more about how it gives you a regenerative form of deep sleep that is responsible for everything we need to dramatically increase our fat burning metabolism and improve our health and appearance.” 

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she did

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”… 

They’re right – it actually took me 16 days to lose 22 pounds. 

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently 💅

Click here to see the 2-minute “after-dinner ritual” that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days